
Engaging citizens in coastal conservation through community-based monitoring

Participate with CoastReach

Participating in CoastReach is a great way to contribute to important research while also learning about coastal ecosystems. By taking regular, standardized images of coastlines, participants can help to track changes over time and discover new insights. This data can be used to inform conservation efforts, aid in natural disaster response, and inform coastal management decisions. Additionally, as a participant, you will be able to access and view the collected data, providing a unique opportunity to learn more about the coastlines in your area. By participating in this project, you will be making a tangible and meaningful contribution to coastal conservation and management. Join our community of citizen scientists today by submitting your first CoastSnap.

Submit a CoastReach Photo

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Citizen Science

Contribute to CoastReach by uploading a photograph to the time series!

Coastline Monitoring

Photographic monitoring assists coastal managers and researchers in understanding the rates of change and resiliency of our coastlines in response to climate change.

Easy to Use

Simply take a photograph at a participating CoastReach stand, and upload to the website!

Citizen Science

You can help make a difference as a citizen scientist by snapping and uploading a CoastReach photograph. Your photograph will contribute to a time series analysis at your CoastSnap location.

Coastline Monitoring

Rising water levels, change in storm frequency and magnitude, and declining ice coverage are threats to the resiliency of our coastlines over the coming decades. Continual photographic monitoring allows coastal managers and researchers to create a time lapse series of erosion and recovery processes, furthering our understanding on the coastal dynamics at each CoastReach location.

Easy to Use

The CoastReach dataset is easy to contribute to. Simply place your cell phone on a CoastReach stand at participating locations, take a photograph with your camera lined up on the stand, and upload on the spot with the QR code or by opening the website once you have WiFi access.

Interested in establishing a new station?

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